Going on a solo date is a perfect way to gain confidence, get to know yourself more, learn what you want, and treat yourself.
What does a solo date look like? Anything really. As long as you have the intention that it is a date for yourself and it’s something you enjoy. There’s no right or wrong way to do it. I consider many things I do as ‘solo dates’ simply because I am enjoying my time alone.
In this post, I’ll provide some solo date ideas that are totally doable and will warm you up to the empowering feeling of spending time alone in public. I personally do these solo dates quite often.
If you want to strengthen your relationship with yourself, learn more about yourself and be more confident keep reading.
This post is all about solo date ideas.
Benefits of Solo Dating
Going on a solo date and dedicating some time for yourself really strengthens your self love. You’re doing something for yourself without the concern of anyone else. Not having to worry about pleasing someone else or even being perceived by someone else.
Taking yourself out on a date gives yourself the time to venture out and try new things you have always wanted to. When out alone, you can do whatever you feel like doing at the moment. You can spend as little or as much time as you want somewhere and really be present in your environment. It’s great really. To get some more insight and tips on the general idea of being alone, read my post Learning to Be Alone.
After going out somewhere alone for the first time, you gain this sense of confidence and empowerment. You finally did something out of your comfort zone and you feel so proud of yourself for doing so. Something uncomfortable finally became comfortable and habitual. That self doubt decreases because you finally did something you thought you would never do.
Solo Date Ideas
Before I begin, I would just like to add that if you want to get dressed up for a solo date, please do! You should be putting in the effort to look good for YOURSELF. Getting dressed up can help you feel more confident and like you’re actually going on a date (cause you are). I believe in if you look good, you feel good. Getting ‘dolled up’ doesn’t have to be putting on makeup and wearing a dress, as long as you like how you look and feel good.
Do what you feel like doing.
1. Have a picnic/park date
On a sunny day you can go to your favorite park, a nearby one or a completely new one and set up a picnic for yourself. Bring along some snacks/food, a blanket, a book or a speaker/headphones. This is a very low maintenance date idea but so relaxing and peaceful. You can really be in the present and hear the beautiful sounds of nature around you. It really helps you gain more appreciation for nature and the animals that accompany us on this planet.
You can even add to this solo date and make it into an arts and crafts date. There are several ways to do this:
- Painting – bring a canvas, paint and paint brushes with you
- Drawing – invest in a drawing notepad or simply bring some blank paper and a flat surface to draw on (clipboard, book, binder etc..)
- Coloring – buy a coloring book from your local dollar store, walmart/target, arts store and get some coloring pencils, markers, crayons (whatever you prefer)
2. Have a beach day

The beach, just like the park is a low maintenance yet fulfilling solo date you can do whenever. Bring whatever you would normally bring to the beach and enjoy your solitude. The beach can be such a therapeautic place to be, listening to the waves of the ocean and observing the beautiful sky is so soothing. It’s another great opportunity to be in the present and appreciate nature and what it offers.
If you’re into meditation (I recommend you to be) and feel comfortable, you can meditate at the beach and let the sound of the waves be your breathing guide. Also, you can ground yourself by walking barefoot by the shore and enjoy the view.
3. Go to a scenic view/ Watch a sunset

Similar to going to the park or the beach, going during sunset hour enhances the date and overall experience. Sunsets are beautiful and you can never get tired of them. Same with scenic views, they don’t necessarily have to be during sunset because either way it’s going to be visually pleasing.
You can listen to music, smoke some weed, read a book, journal, anything your heart desires.
4. Visit a Museum

This is a great idea to go visit a famous museum near you or a smaller art exhibit of art you like. Museums are a great place to go alone because you can take your time and enjoy what’s there. If you like to just stroll by the art pieces or stop and read every excerpt you can do so. Also, since there’s so much to look at, you’re entertained and you’re not so focused on the fact that you’re alone or whoever is around you.
Plus, you might find out there’s a museum or an art exhibit on something you’re interested in. You can try something new and go to a location that you normally wouldn’t and find a new interest. You’d be surprised at how many cool places there are that you can explore and learn from.
5. Have some lunch/brunch

Going out by yourself to eat during the day is not as intimidating as going out for dinner. You can eat somewhere where there’s outside seating or bring a book with you. You can even have your earphones on to make you feel a little more comfortable, but to be more present; try not to on your second or third time eating alone.
It might feel a little uncomfortable just eating and not having the company and conversation with another person, but I find eating alone a great way to just enjoy your food in peace and feel gratitude for the meal you’re having. If you’re sitting outside, you can people watch and observe your surroundings. You might find yourself noticing some things that are quite interesting or simply entertaining.
6. Go to the movies/theatre production
In my opinion, going to the movies or any theatre production is one of the least challenging solo dates. The whole process is quite simple and once you enter the theater, all you have to do is sit. I recommend not going too early or else you’ll be bored sitting in the theater waiting for the show to start (unless you like previews).
Since the main purpose is to sit and enoy the show, there’s no pressure to socialize with others and it’s quite dark so in case you’re afraid of being perceived, you don’t really have to worry about that.
So if there’s a movie or a play none of your friends want to watch, then go alone and make it a date.
7. Go to a cafe

If you really like coffee, then you probably go to cafes often. The next time you go, actually stay there and take your time with your coffee. It’s a great way to slow down a bit and just dedicate that time to enjoy your drink. It’s a better experience than just grabbing a coffee and drinking it on the go.
This is an inexpensive and less time consuming solo date you can try out in the beginning of your journey with solo dates.
8. Visit a instagram-photo worthy spot you have been wanting to see
Now with the help of the internet and social media, you can easily look up cool locations to visit. There are a ton of accounts on TikTok and Instagram dedicated to giving you ideas in whatever city you’re in.
Depending on where you live, the options will vary but I’m sure there are some hidden gems in your area. You can be a tourist in your own city/town and romanticize the interesting and unique places your town/city has to offer. If you’re from a small town, there has to be atleast one location that is famous or worth seeing!
9. Go on a hike

Going on a hike is not only great exercise but another opportunity to be in nature and be blessed with new sights. You’re on the move and have a destination to reach but also have the chance to stop whenever you want. Being alone really allows you to “stop and smell the flowers”.
10. Go on a walk/drive and see where you end up

If you’re feeling spontaneous you can go on a drive or a walk and see where the road takes you. This idea allows you to let go of control and just go with the flow. You can let intuition guide you and stop whenever you want or you can set a specific time to stop and see where you end up. You’d be surprised at what you come across. Who knows, maybe you’ll find your new favorite cafe, park, scenic view etc. etc.
Going on a walk or a drive on its own is therapeautic and allows you the time to self reflect, or spend time without the pressure of expending any energy. You can simply just be in the moment and enjoy your own company.
11. Try out a new hobby
That hobby you have always wanted to try or wanted to learn but never got around to it… get to it! Take the time for yourself to finally get into something you always said you wanted to. Look up where there’s nearby classes, buy the supplies you need, watch some youtube tutorials. All you have to do is dedicate some time to do these things and that hobby will become a reality.
Do this for yourself. Learn what you like. Maybe it turns out that it’s not what you thought it would be, well now you know! If you really didn’t enjoy it, then you can move on and try something new. Or if it was just a bit difficult, keep trying! No one automatically is good at something, everyone is a beginner at one point. It takes time, patience and perserverance. Look at it as a project for yourself that you can turn into a solo date. Once you get better, you’ll be so proud of yourself that you stuck with it.
Now take yourself out!
I hope by now you have an idea on where you will be taking yourself out.
If you’ve gotten this far, I just want to thank you so much for taking the time to read this post! I appreciate it so much. Have a great day/night and wishing you the best on your self improvement journey.
Get yourself some flowers and enjoy your solo date <3