This post is for the hopeless romantic who wears their heart on their sleeve (like me).
It can feel disheartening to put yourself out there only to be taken advantage of or played. But remember, having such a loving heart is a rarity. Don’t let someone take that away from you.

Another lesson.
I was wrong about him and as much as it hurt, I’m glad the trash took itself out. I really liked him but it was definitely a blessing in disguise. They always reveal their true colors eventually.
Lesson for me and any other hopeless romantic out there… take things slow.
The connection may be strong and you might be swept up in the dopamine high of meeting someone new. It may seem “different this time” but still look out for red flags and don’t allow yourself to fall just yet.
Even if they really seem like a good person, it doesn’t mean they’ll be a good partner. A good person can still be emotionally immature and insecure.
Don’t internalize it. Feel it & move on.
At first, I definitely took it personal and felt dumb. His actions say everything about him. Not me.
I had a “why me?” moment because I haven’t had the best experiences with men and I was hoping this time was different. But I recognize where I could’ve done things different and that it’s not happening to me, but for me. I’m grateful it happened sooner than later. I trust that God removed him from my life before that guy can really cause damage.
I tend to over analyze and try to figure out where things went wrong or when he lost interest but it doesn’t matter. It’s really not worth my time and energy. The answer is clear, he’s not the one for me. Why would I want someone like that anyways? He clearly has a lot of growing up to do.
It’s necessary to feel your feelings and let it out. Really let it out. It’s understandable to be hurt. They were removed from your life for a reason. Even if it feels like it is, it’s not personal. It sucks, but life goes on.
No need to cry over spilled milk.
It was just another experience added to your life story. Don’t let a negative situation determine your worth.
It’s okay to be wrong about people. It’s okay to make mistakes. Eventually the lesson will be learned. You’re wiser because of it.
Don’t let these situations harden your heart.
As much as it made me hate men for a bit I know there’s amazing men out there.
I’ll be damned if I let some unevolved, immature mf block me from meeting a great man.
I’m going to continue having an open heart and not let past situations affect current relationships.
Do I regret anything from this recent experience? No. The times we spent together were great and so were our conversations. Maybe I could’ve slowed down and detached a little bit. But oh well! You take the risk of getting hurt when you put yourself out there.
At the end of the day, what ever the reason, he removed himself from my life and I’m glad he did. So even though he’s an asshole for what he did, it was fun while it lasted.
Be more stingy with your energy and love.
As time goes by and I meet different people, I recognize how rare my authenticity is. I’m not perfect, but I’m genuine and real. Once I really like someone, I’m ready and hopeful to be in a relationship.
But not everyone is like me. Not everyone is going to be gentle with my heart. I am in control of who gets access to my love and affection. So I can’t be too eager to give it just because of a strong connection. A connection isn’t enough. As much as I’d like to live a fantasy where I meet someone, we click and it’s happily ever after. That’s not real life. There’s many more disingenuous people than I thought.
beware of love bombing
Not everyone is deserving of our energy, love, and greatness. It can be so easy to give but, when it comes to men. Let them earn it. Only time will tell if they’re putting up an act. Give it time to see if their actions are consistent.
Though I’ve ended up hurt, I can live my life knowing I haven’t done anyone wrong. I’ve stayed true with pure intentions and have always communicated and been transparent. Pain and past experiences have hardened many people’s hearts, I’m not going to allow that to happen to me. I’m not going to hurt others just because I’ve been hurt. Karma is real.
being a hopeless romantic is a blessing and a curse
I’ll never be ashamed of being genuine and having my heart on my sleeve. I just gotta be more stingy with my energy and anyone who is really down, will stick around to see it. I hope you remain optimistic and don’t let anyone’s projections define you. You have so much to offer and have so much love to give. Whoever knows your worth won’t risk losing you. Keep loving.
this post was for my fellow hopeless romantic. keep your heart open.
If you’ve got this far, thank you so much. I really apreciate anyone who reads my blog. I hope I’ve helped a hopless romantic and anyone who needed this post. Have a great day/night <3