Embrace the change occuring in your life and/or self and see what happens when you surrender to all the uncertainty.
I know change is scary and overwhelming, and if you’re experiencing it, you are not alone. I’m currently going through alot of change in my life and myself after moving back to California from a 9 month stay in Spain.
After a lot of discomfort and worry about where my life is headed next, I reminded myself that it’s up to me to grow from this change and let go of my desire to control the outcome. I hope from reading this post you will gain some comfort and reassurance about the change you’re experiencing.
This post is all about learning to embrace the change in your life and surrendering to the uncertainty it brings.
Don’t resist.
Resisting the change happening in your life will only make it more difficult to get through it. Resistance looks like contantly worrying about the outcomes, focusing on the negative, and sticking to old thought patterns and habits that do not align with this change. Accept that things are changing, embrace the change. You and your life are not the same as it used to be and that’s actually a good thing. Why would you want to stay the same? Think of this new chapter of your life as a new season of a show (your life) that’s about one main character (YOU). It’s obviously going to be much different and bring along it’s own lessons, people and experiences. Be excited for all this change! Swap the word nervous for excitement. Be excited for the new season of your show and how great it’s going to be!!
Sticking to the same habits, lifestyle and patterns is complacency. Though it can be comforting to stick to what you’re used to, it does not allow for any growth to occur. Allow yourself to feel the discomfort of all the changes and uncertainty coming your way. Sit with those feelings. You have a right to be afraid, worried or nervous. It’s completely normal but you don’t have to dwell in those feelings and let them feed into complacency. Focusing on the negative doesn’t do you any good. See this change as a ‘blank slate’ to start anew and do things differently. Focus on the things you can control and how change is a good thing.
You are protected, guided and loved.
Remember that you are not alone in this. You have God/the universe/your higherpower on your side. There are things you can not control. You can not control the outcome of your situation but you can work toward the goals you desire and leave the rest to your higherpower. Its comforting to be able to trust that your higherpower is guiding you and has your back. Acknowledge that you have the power and responsibility to steer your life towards your desired path, and that God will do the rest. Take every experience and person as something/someone you can learn from. See them as opportunities to gain more insight for your own evolution. Know that things are occuring for you, not to you.
Be brave
Choose to be brave. You can let fear control and hold you back or you can choose yourself and be brave enough to face the changes head on. Don’t allow life to happen to you, take responsibility of your life and reach your potential.
You don’t have to have it all figured out and be the most productive person. I know you’ve heard of this before but honestly, take things one day at a time. You don’t have control over everything but you do have control of the effort you make each day. Consistent action amounts to greater growth than inconsistency. As long as you are putting in the effort each day/most days to embrace the change and evolve from it, you have nothing to worry about. It won’t always be easy but you don’t have to do too much every day. Allow yourself to ease into it, change is overwhelming and it’s okay to take things easy from time to time.
Unwanted change.
Change is inevitable, growth is optional
John maxwell
When the change is tragic or unwanted, to make a perspective switch is easier said than done. It can feel like God/the universe/the world is against you. It feels unfair and upsetting that not everything lasts forever. Everything is temporary. Change is inevitable, growth is optional. You have to accept that change is a part of life and that there are positives out of this situation.
First allow yourself to feel the pain and hurt and know that how you feel is valid. You get to feel hurt, angry, sad, or whatever you’re feeling. Give yourself some time to just recharge, settle in, and take it easy. Please reach out to loved ones for support and love during this difficult time. Even talking to just one person can help ease some heavy weight you’re carrying. Take time to reflect on how you can gain from this experience and what steps you can take to evolve from this. What is this change teaching you about life, about yourself? If you don’t know why this situation happened, don’t worry. The reason for this occurrence will be revealed to you with time.
My situation
I just moved back in with my parents after living in Madrid, Spain for 9 months. During those 9 months I’ve had a lot of time to myself and was able to learn more about myself and my desires in life. At first, 9 months didn’t sound like a long time, but it did feel like it. I started to get used to living over there and now that I’m back it’s a weird feeling. I won’t get into all of it but, the point is, it’s a big change for me. Even though it’s coming back to familiarity, I have a different perspective on life than I did before I left. My views on the life I want to live and how I want to earn money has really changed, leaving me feeling more confused and worried about my life. I feel the pressure of using my college degree to work a 9-5, though deep down I know I want the freedom to travel and live life as I please. It’s conflicting for me and being the person I am, I can’t help but worry about my future.
Act with love, not fear.
While laying down on a trampoline in my backyard, I found myself worrying about where my life is going and trying to make a decision. I had to snap myself out of it. I asked myself, if I made this decision would it be out of fear or out of love? The answer was quite obvious. I was just trying to rush into figuring out what to do, forgetting that answers come to you in divine timing, without forcing it. Constantly worrying and trying to figure it all out was just my subconscious need for control and I have to let go of that. Making decisions out of fear will only result in you being miserable. We don’t need to have it all figured out right now. We don’t have to make all the decisions right this second. Allow these changes, do what you gotta do and let your higherpower do the rest. When you make decisions out of love, you know you made the right choice.
Affirmations to help embrace change
I surrender to the unknown and let go of the desire to control the outcome.
All that I need is within me right now.
I am worthy of success, love and abundance.
You got this.
Change is difficult, but it’s inevitable and always an opportunity to grow.
Embrace change and surrender to uncertainty, trust in divine timing and divine protection. I wish you the best during this transition period in your life/self and hope that you gained something from this post. Thank you for taking the time to read and have a great day/night! <3